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La non-invasion russe provoque l’inquiétude dans des capitales européennes...

Démarré par JacquesL, 27 Juin 2015, 02:30:21 PM

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La non-invasion russe provoque l'inquiétude dans les capitales européennes

CiterPar Rob Slane – Le 18 juin 2015 – Source :

Traduit par bluetonga, relu par Hervé et Diane pour Le Saker francophone

Les tensions au sein des États baltes et de la Pologne ont atteint leur paroxysme ces jours derniers alors qu'il est devenu de plus en plus évident que les Russes n'avaient aucun plan d'aucune sorte pour attaquer l'un ou l'autre de ces pays. Pendant l'année écoulée, la Pologne, la Lettonie, la Lituanie et l'Estonie ont lancé un crescendo d'avertissements concernant une invasion russe, et ont tenté de convaincre le reste du monde qu'il devait prendre des mesures radicales afin d'empêcher le président Vladimir Poutine de mener à bien son projet de recréer l'Union soviétique, cette fois de Vladivostok à Johannesburg.

Cependant, malgré ces alertes répétées d'un péril imminent, les Russes n'ont pas encore pointé le bout de leur nez, et semblent même soutenir qu'ils ont mieux à faire de leur temps. Pas plus tard que la semaine passée, Monsieur Poutine a déclaré lors d'une interview avec le quotidien italien Il Corriere della Sera que l'idée d'attaquer un pays de l'Otan ne pouvait se trouver que « dans le cauchemar d'une personne dérangée ».

Ce refus d'envahir a causé une grande consternation à Varsovie, Riga et Tallinn, mais il a porté un coup particulièrement rude à la présidente lituanienne Dalia Grybauskaité, qui avait multiplié les déclarations concernant cette menace et avait placé le pays en mode panique pendant quelque temps. Au début de l'année, et en prévision de l'invasion imminente, le gouvernement de Vilnius a sorti une brochure d'information publique de 100 pages – Comment agir dans des situations extrêmes ou des situations de guerre ? – qui prodiguait des conseils aux citoyens pour survivre à l'invasion russe, et qui comprenait des chapitres sur l'organisation de la résistance civile et comment agir dans une situation de champ de bataille.

Un porte-parole du ministre de la Défense Juozas Olekas, qui avait présenté la brochure en janvier, était clairement irrité par la réponse russe :

« On s'est donné tout ce mal pour publier une brochure disant ce qu'il fallait faire quand ils nous envahiraient, et voilà qu'ils n'ont même pas la politesse élémentaire de venir nous envahir, a-t-il déclaré. C'est tellement typique des Russes. On ne peut pas leur faire confiance pour quoi que ce soit. »

Il a poursuivi en précisant que le pays fournissait maintenant des conseils aux citoyens sur la manière d'agir en cas de non-invasion russe, et une deuxième brochure – Comment agir dans des situations normales ou en cas de paix ? – est déjà en cours de préparation, au cas où les Russes mettraient à exécution leurs menaces de ne pas envahir. La nouvelle brochure devrait fournir des conseils aux Lituaniens sur la manière de gérer l'idée selon laquelle leur pays ne serait pas si important que ça aux yeux des Russes, après tout, et elle devrait contenir un certain nombre d'autres choses à partir desquelles les gens pourraient se monter le bourrichon contre la Russie, de manière à se détourner des problèmes domestiques au sein même du pays.

A Varsovie, ou l'hostilité envers la Russie s'est amplifiée grâce à un programme gouvernemental de conscientisation active, un porte-parole du gouvernement, qui souhaitait garder l'anonymat, a fait la déclaration suivante :

« La Russie a envahi l'Ukraine à pas moins de 47 reprises au cours des 12 derniers mois, ou presque. Nous ne savons pas pourquoi ils continuent d'envahir, puis de se retirer, puis d'envahir à nouveau, mais nous savons qu'ils le font parce que nous surveillons de près Twitter et Facebook, et que Arseni Iatseniouk le dit. Bien sûr, nous en avons naturellement conclu que tôt ou tard, ce serait notre tour – du moins, c'est ce que nous racontons à nos concitoyens depuis un an –, aussi l'idée qu'ils pourraient rester chez eux, après tout, n'est certainement pas une bonne nouvelle. S'ils persistent à ne pas venir, les gens pourraient commencer à se dire que ce n'était qu'un canular stupide destiné à détourner leur attention des problèmes intérieurs de la Pologne, et cela pourrait s'avérer désastreux pour nous en tant que nation. »

La crainte que la Russie puisse ne pas bouger de chez elle est également répercutée à Washington, avec une porte-parole du département d'État, au ton résolument perplexe :

« Nous sommes certains que les Russes veulent recréer l'Union soviétique. C'est ce que notre président a dit l'autre jour, et nous n'avons aucune raison de ne pas le croire. La première escale avant d'atteindre Johannesburg doit certainement être les États baltes et ensuite la Pologne. Alors, pourquoi n'envahissent-ils pas ? C'est un mystère pour nous, mais nous allons continuer avec nos vassaux... Désolée, je voulais dire nos alliés, à effrayer les gens pour qu'ils saisissent la menace, et je crois qu'il est important de noter que même une non-invasion peut être considérée comme faisant partie de leur agression en cours. »

La semaine dernière, l'espoir d'un début d'invasion est né lorsque deux Typhoons britanniques de la RAF stationnés en Estonie ont décollé d'urgence pour intercepter et surveiller deux appareils militaires russes au-dessus de la mer Baltique. Néanmoins, ces espoirs se sont évaporés lorsque deux experts ont fait remarquer, après avoir consulté une carte, que la Russie est limitrophe de la mer Baltique, et sacrément plus proche d'elle que ne l'est la Grande-Bretagne.

D'un lecteur :
Je me suis laissé dire, dans le même ordre d'idée, que le Venezuela voudrait ne pas envahir les USA ?
Ces pays sont tout de même incroyables, ils ne respectent rien.


A la source, le ministère russe de la défense :
14 décembre 2015 : Conférence devant plus de 120 attachés militaires de plus de 60 pays. Modernisation des matériels, entraînement poussé des soldats.
En russe :
CiterMinistry of Defence of the Russian Federation : More in detail
Chief of Russian Armed Forces General Staff General of the Army Valery Gerasimov held briefing for foreign military attaches

Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation General of the Army Valery Gerasimov had a meeting with representatives of military diplomatic corps. In the course of the briefing with more than 120 foreign military attaches from more than 60 countries, a wide range of issues concerning building-up of the Russian Armed Forces has been discussed.

Aggravation of global and regional security problems characterizes the situation in the world nowadays. First and foremost it is connected with the expansion of the international terrorism and radical extremism.

First of all, the NATO military policy, unfriendly towards Russia, is a matter of concern. The alliance expands its military presence and enhances the activity of its armed forces along the borders of the Russian Federation.

After deployment of the global missile defence system and development of new instruments of war including hypersonic weapons, the problem of imbalance of strategic forces is getting worse.

Another serious problem is the use of economic, political and informational instruments; population's protest potential; radical, extremist organizations and private military companies by participants of international relationships.

Illegal proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, cross-border crimes and narcotrafficking; separatism; uncontrolled migration and xenophobia remain topical issues.

The assembly of these reasons and presence of inveterate intergovernmental tensions create a threat for escalation of new and current conflicts. Unfortunately, the number of such conflicts is just increasing.

Joining efforts of all the world community against the common challenges and threats, first and foremost international terrorism, is the increasingly evident necessity.

Destabilization of situation in the Middle East, as well as in the states of Africa and Central Asia has created conditions for transition of terrorist activities in other regions, including Russia.

That forced us to start Aerospace Forces' operation against ISIS militants in Syria.

It is to be mentioned that the Russian grouping having been invited in Syria by its legitimate government is making missile and bomb strikes only against command centres, concentration points, ammunition depots and ISIS training camps. That creates conditions for successful offensive of the Syrian Armed Forces.

The Russian Federation enhances the unifying of efforts of the governmental troops and formations of the Syrian opposition aimed at defeating the terrorists.

Now units of the Free Syrian Army, which is over 5 000 men strong, jointly with regular Syrian troops are conducting offensive operations in the Homs, Hama, Aleppo, and Raqqah provinces. The number of such formations of the Free Syrian Army is constantly growing. Only for their support, 30-40 strikes are made by the Russian aviation every day. They are also supplied with armaments, ammunition and materiel.

Moreover, oil production, proceeding and transferring facilities controlled by the "Islamic State", as well as automobile transport carrying oil products in the concentration areas and on the routes leading to the Turkish border are destroyed in order to deprive terrorists from their source of income.

Russian Armed Forces used air- and sea-based long-range precision cruise missiles to eliminate stationary objects.

During the fight against the radical Islamism, Russia were not supported by some partners, that seemed to be the partners, but also received a stab in the back by the Turkish Air Force F-16 having shot down the Su-24, violating the Syrian border.

The Russian Ministry of Defence expects an impartial investigation by the international expert group of the circumstances of downing the Su-24M with employing the flight recorder.

The opportunistic illegal business interests of some high level Turkish officials have become more important than lives of  law abiding citizens of Russia, France, Mali and even Turkey itself, who suffered from ISIS terrorist acts.

The issues of illegal oil producing and transportation were touched upon by Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation Anatoly Antonov with all the areas, transportation routes and border crossing points presented to the public.

Russian Defence Ministry stands for forging relationships with any states concerning Syrian crisis.

All the more, the modern history has examples of successful cooperation of the Western countries with the Russian Federation. Among them – joint activities during the operation of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, solution of the problem of chemical weapons in Syria, "boosting" conversations on the "Nuclear program of Iran", singing and implementation of "Minsk Agreements", fighting against piracy in the area of the Horn of Africa.

Under these conditions, the Russian Armed Forces are the main instrument of the state in providing military security in any situation as well as in solving tasks during military conflicts of different intensity.

Build-up of military capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces, bringing their composition and structure in conformity with new challenges and threats are the priorities for the leadership of the Defence Ministry and under close attention of the President of the Russian Federation – the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces.

The plans on military training, building and development of the Russian Armed Forces are being fulfilled. In the course of the year 2015, the Armed Forces have successively performed tasks defined by the President of the Russian Federation according to the planning documents of military building.

The main efforts have been focused on increasing of combat capabilities of Strategic Nuclear Forces, groupings of Military Districts and the Northern Fleet; improvement of the troops (forces) control system, equipment with modern armaments and military hardware, staffing, improvement of quality of logistic supply and social and living conditions of servicemen.

The changes in the specific features modern warfare and creation of the unified aerospace field of military combat explain the necessity of improvement of the country's aerospace defence. Within the fulfillment of this task, a new branch of the Armed Forces was established on August 1, 2015 – the Aerospace Forces.

One of the most important tasks aimed for development of the Armed Forces was the re-equipment of the Army and the Fleet.

The priorities of re-equipment are shown on the slide. The Russian Defence Ministry has managed to provide uninterrupted financing and control over the deliveries of armaments and military equipment under the State Defence Order.

The Ministry of Defence has optimized expenses for equipment of the Armed Forces and increased the scale of repairing and modernization of existing armaments.

By the end of the year, the troops will have received over 5.5 thousand modern pieces of military hardware. That will allow to reach the rate of 47% of new equipment.

In the future, the Russian Defence Ministry plan to buy annually: from 70 to 100 aircraft, over 120 helicopters, up to 30 surface ships, submarines, specials ships and supply vessels as well as up to 600 armoured vehicles.

To provide protection of strategic interest of the Russian Federation, particular attention will be paid to development of the Navy and the Aerospace Forces.

By 2021, according to the State armament programme, the ratio of modern armaments and military hardware will constitute not less than 70%, (particularly from 70% to 100% in different branches and services of the Armed Forces).

One of priorities of the Armed Forces is improvement of military training quality.

For that purpose, in 2015, Russian Armed Forces conducted over 3,000 exercises of different scale (among them – 30% are interservice, about 50% are bilateral). All of them were complex and closely connected with their standard tasks.

The military training activities resulted in growth of the following indicators (in comparison with the results of 2014): the in-flight time of air crews – by 10%; the time spent by surface ships and submarines at sea – by 7%; the number of kilometers passed by military drivers by – 22%.

The amount of parachute jumps in the Airborne Troops has increased by 1.5 times. 50% of them have been conducted in rough conditions.

Strategic exercise Center-2015 held in the Central MD has become the final activity of operational training. It lasted for over 30 days and involved the troops of the Central, Southern, Eastern Military Districts, the Northern Fleet, formations and units of the Caspian flotilla as well as formations of the Armed Forces from Kazakhstan, Kirgizia and Tajikistan. The exercise involved over 160 thousand servicemen, more than 7,000 pieces of military hardware, over 30 ships and 250 aircraft.

The troops practiced protection of the Russian Federation and its allies at 11 land, sea and air ranges from the Baltic Sea to the Far East as well as in the territories of the CSTO member-states according to one of possible scenarios of military and political situation development in the South.

The exercise involved federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local authorities. Jointly with the Armed Forces they practiced military emergency procedures and territorial defensive.

In the course of the exercise, the military groupings reaffirmed their readiness and capability to ensure national interests and military security of Russia and its allies in the region of Central Asia. The effectiveness of the present troops control system was assessed.

Practice of unannounced inspections has been continued to check the real capabilities of the Armed Forces to react to all types of threats to the military security of the Russian Federation.

The inspections involved the troops (forces) of the Northern Fleet, the Aerospace Defence, the Southern, Central and Eastern Military Districts, in total up to 300 thousand people. Inter-district groupings were created at the dangerous sectors.

Results of inspections showed that the capabilities of formations and military units to perform assigned tasks on unfamiliar terrain under the conditions of enemy precision weapons usage have increased.

The military personnel have obtained practice in fighting against illegal armed groups, which used tactics of the Taliban and the "Islamic State".

Such combat training activities and unannounced inspections will be held in the future.

This year, much attention has been paid to stimulating of servicemen's personal training through competitions. Among them – the International Army Games, which involved 43 teams (approximately 1300 participants) and were visited by 16 groups of observers from 16 foreign countries representing Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. The contests within the International Army Games were held at 11 military ranges of 3 Military Districts: Western, Southern and Central. In the course of tough competitions, the Russian teams occupied first places in all 13 contests.

The competitions boosted the usage of forward-looking training methods, development of combat skills and competitiveness among servicemen.

Next year there will be 23 contests, invitations are to be sent to 47 foreign countries.

Quality build-up of the Russian Armed Forces has been continued.

The staffing level has reached 92%, the number of contract servicemen has been increased by 10% this year and reached 352 thousand people.

All the positions of command and technical experts connected with sophisticated and hi-tech military hardware are occupied only by professional servicemen. By 2020, the level of equipment with modern hardware is estimated to achieve not less than 70%, about 500 thousand contract servicemen will be required.

Next year, the number of contract servicemen is to achieve 384,000 people.

Gradual growth of the number of contract servicemen will be accompanied by re-equipment of the Armed Forces with the newest samples of hi-tech armaments and military hardware, which need to be operated and maintained by professionals.

Along with growth of the number of contract servicemen, military towns, service housing and other social infrastructure are being built. Military professionals and members of their families are provided with comfortable living conditions near their duty stations.

Accomplishment of all construction works according to the adopted standards and typical building projects of special facilities, accommodation and infrastructure has become the main result of the basing system improvement and development of military construction complex.

No military missile hardware received by the Armed Forces under the State Defence Order has remained under open sky. Over 600 general infrastructural facilities have been built for that purpose.

The storage conditions of modern missiles and ammunition received under the State armament programme are being improved. Construction of 190 storage facilities is being continued.

To replace over 300 old bases and depots, 24 modern industrial and logistic complexes is being built.

Social protection of servicemen has remained under attention.

In general, the Russian Defence Ministry has achieved systematical and scheduled provision of servicemen with permanent housing. That has been achieved by passing to the housing allowance given to servicemen for buying and building of housing. The servicemen keep demand on it.

Savings and mortgage system has become a forward-looking type of housing provision.

In the last four years, the number of its participants has increased by more than 55% and constitutes about 156 thousand servicemen, 50 thousand of them have already bought apartments.

The rate of provision of service accommodation is kept the same. Since the beginning of the year, 27,000 people are provided with service housing.

Innovation technologies and modern educational standards enhanced development of the military education system raising its quality and allowing to prepare specialists capable of operating advanced military hardware received by the Armed Forces.

Within the creation of a unified electronic environment among the military educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defence – the "electronic university" – the pilot project of the electronic library has been brought to life and a unitary standard of an electronic manual has been certified. These manuals will be used starting from September 1, 2016.

Development of pre-university schools is continued. The Perm Suvorov Military School has been opened. Schools for gifted children have been created: School of Information Technologies, Military Academy of Signal Troops, Engineer School in the Military Air Force Academy and School of Sports in the military institute for Sports and Physical Culture.

This year, the sports and recreation camp was founded at the Sevastopol Presidential Cadet School. It will help to better health of 850 pupils from other pre-university institutions.

Medical support has achieved the new level. Military hospitals have received over 2 thousand pieces of medical equipment that has increased the complicated medical assistance by 30%. Over 13 thousand people have received it this year.

The number of servicemen who have got sick has been reduced by 27% in comparison with the previous year.

Next year it is planned to expand the capabilities of rendering high-technology medical assistance through introduction of unique treatment methods as well as the improvement of training of medical specialists.

Moreover, over 1,500 pieces of expensive medical equipment is to be bought next year.

In order to increase the effectiveness of defence control and raising its capabilities, the national Centre for State Defence Control have become an effective monitoring instrument of all field of activity of the Russian Armed Forces with exceptional analytical power.

Issues concerning operational coordination of federal executive authorities in the field of defence are the special role of the Centre. Military administrative bodies, state and local authorities joined the work in different fields.

The National Centre is continuously monitoring operation training activities, exercises, trainings, flights of aviation, cruises of ships, combat training and testing launches of missiles of different type, as well as emergency relief operation on the territory of Russia.

Total computation capacity of its supercomputer exceeds analogue devices of the Armed Forces of foreign countries by many times and allows to resolve difficult analytical questions.

Taking into consideration the threats to the cyber security, import-substituting technologies, materials, and other production used in critical automated processes are developed and introduced.

Taking into consideration the threats to the cyber security, import-substituting technologies, materials, and other production used in critical automated processes are developed and introduced.

It is to be mentioned that analysis of military conflicts, operational practice during training of troops and staffs have allowed to elaborate measures, which secure information resources of the Russian Armed Forces.

In order to increase the effectiveness of defence control and raising its capabilities, the National Centre for State Defence Control have become an effective monitoring instrument of all field of activity of the Russian Armed Forces with exceptional analytical power.

Issues concerning operational coordination of federal executive authorities in the field of defence are the special role of the Centre. Military administrative bodies, state and local authorities joined the work in different fields.

The National Centre is continuously monitoring operation training activities, exercises, trainings, flights of aviation, cruises of ships, combat training and testing launches of missiles of different type, as well as emergency relief operation on the territory of Russia.

Total computation capacity of its supercomputer exceeds analogue devices of the Armed Forces of foreign countries by many times and allows to resolve difficult analytical questions.

The international activities of the Russian Defence Ministry have been enhanced. It has been built on a multi-vector basis.

The military cooperation has been maintained with over 80 countries. Development of cooperation within the Union State of Russia and Belarus, the CSTO, SCO and CIS – has become the priority.

Joint special and tactical, command-and-staff exercises held regularly have great military and political importance for development of Collective Forces and cooperation between the armies within the CSTO. It is to be mentioned that most of them were counter-terrorist ones.

In April, the Moscow Conference on International Security was held. Its participants discussed the topical issues of global and regional security.

In October, the International Conference on Interaction of Defense Agencies on Security in Afghanistan and Central Asia in the New Environment took place. The possibilities of cooperation of Defence Agencies on stabilization of situation in the region were discussed.

Over 30 international exercise of different level have been held this year. The most important of them were the "Combat commonwealth", "Naval interaction", "Selenga", and others.

Providing transparency and improving interaction level with the public community is one more direction of the Russian Defence Ministry's activity.

Wide coverage performed by the Media caused the raise of transparency of activities of the Russian Armed Forces.

The Armed Forces will be developed to correspond to the following key directions:

to maintain the strategic offensive and strategic defensive forces at a level, which would provide assured deterrence against aggression towards the Russian Federation and its allies;

to increase the potential of main attack groups of the strategic deterrence forces and command information system up to a level which would allow to inflict guaranteed and unsustainable damage on the enemy in any conditions;

to increase the capabilities of the Aerospace Forces in terms of fighting against modern and perspective enemy means of aerospace attacks;

to increase the military capabilities of interservice force groupings of Military Districts;

to enhance the combat training of troops (forces) in close connection with the operational training of military control bodies with due regard to the experience of modern wars and armed conflicts.

The President of the Russian Federation ordered the Russian Armed Forces to be able to guarantee protection of sovereignty and territory inviolability of the Russian Federation and its allies, provide maintenance of international peace and security. This task will be definitely accomplished.
© Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

Bilan des opérations en Syrie, au 15 décembre 2015 :
La vidéo est en russe, et peut être suivie sur le site en russe à
CiterSince September 30, the Russian air group has performed 4201 combat sorties, among them –145 ones have been carried out by the strategic missile-carrying and long-range bomber aviation. Bomb strikes are made on main infrastructural objects, concentrations of military hardware and manpower of militants.

In the course of the last several weeks, the intensiveness of strikes on the positions of the ISIS and other terrorist groupings has been increased.

The Russian aviation continues undermining terrorists' sources of income in Syria – that is one of the priorities.

For this purpose, just in the last three days, 6 objects of militants' illegal oil production as well as 7 automobile columns with crude oil and oil products have been destroyed.

Since the beginning of the operation, the Russian aviation has eliminated over 1200 such tanker trucks.

The Syrian Armed Forces supported by the Russian aviation continue offensive operation along all the frontline, the most severe combat actions were in the Latakia, Aleppo, Hama, and Homs provinces as well as in the suburbs of Damascus.

Terrorists' formations are suffering heavy losses.

In the Aleppo province, governmental forces continue expanding the security zone around the Kwaires airfield developing offensive in the south-west direction to Idlib.

During the last week, despite the tough resistance of illegal armed groups, they have liberated 9 inhabited areas.

In the Latakia province, assault groups of the Syrian Army conducted offensive actions in the northern and western directions.

In the Northern Latakia, governmental forces extended under-control territories of Syrian-Turkish borderline.

Near Sirmaniyah and Salma, militants have retreated from important tactical heights and inhabited areas.

In Central Syria, governmental forces and militia captured a number of important heights and points near Mahin.

In suburbs of Damascus, governmental forces continue making incursions in order to narrow the entrapment area for illegal armed groups in directions to Marj al-Sultan, an-Nula, Duma, and Zibdin

Activities performed by so-called moderate opposition units against the ISIS contribute to successful ground operation of the Syrian Armed Forces.

Now, there are more than 150 such formations active on the Syrian territory. Most patriotically-minded are fighting against terrorists in cooperation with the Syrian governmental forces. These are 5,000 men in total in the formations.

The Russian Defence Ministry established and keeps constant contact with them. The opposition formations are providing the Russian aviation group leadership with coordinates of terrorists' objects for their elimination.

For instance, in order to support the offensive carried out by Ganim detachment, which forms part of the Free Syrian Army and Syrian Democratic Forces, the Russian aviation performed 17 strikes on ISIS positions to the north from Raqqah last day.

According to the objective monitoring data, the Russian aircraft eliminated more than 150 militants and 11 items of hardware.

Moreover, the aircraft performed 18 strikes on terrorists in the interests of "Desert Lions" and "Kalamun" formations near Palmyra and El-Karatien.

It is to be stressed that the Russian Defence Ministry is to continue the work aimed to joining efforts of governmental forces and other armed formations, which are interested in liberating Syria from international terrorists.