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La traque de Mouammar Gaddafi

Démarré par JacquesL, 16 Septembre 2011, 10:35:30 PM

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Le traqueur et profileur de Muammar Gaddafi : il pense le saisir dans deux semaines.

A noter que dans le Sud, des gens ignorent tout des événements de 2011, et pensent à la révolution de 1969 quand on prononce "révolution" devant eux.

But the challenge facing the Gaddafi hunters is daunting: Libya's massive desert in the south is like another country. Buhagiar travelled there last week to a place that he names but asks not to be published. In this remote hinterland he has found people who are not aware of the uprising and believe "revolution" refers to Gaddafi's coup of 1969.

He said TV there is using this for propaganda and even shows old footage of Gaddafi's compound in Tripoli, Bab al-Azizia, to give the impression he still controls it. "A lot of people don't know what's going on," said Buhagiar. "They are not linked to the outside world. They think they're fighting crusaders."

Citer10.51am: Reuters has a little more on the latest speculation on Gaddafi's whereabouts.

    Muammar Gaddafi is believed to be hiding near the western town of Ghadamis near the Algerian border under the protection of Touareg tribesmen, a senior Libyan military official said.

    "One tribe, the Touareg, is still supporting him and he is believed to be in the Ghadamis area in the south," Hisham Buhagiar, a senior military official of the Libya's new leadership, told Reuters by telephone late on Tuesday.

    Buhagiar, coordinator of the hunt for Gaddafi, said the ousted Libyan leader was believed to have been in the southern town of Samnu a week ago before moving to Ghadamis, which lies 550 km (345 miles) southwest of Tripoli.

    He said Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam was in Bani Walid and another son, Mutassim, was in Sirte, the family's home town. "They are both thinking about leaving Libya maybe to Niger," Buhagiar added.

    "There has been a fight between Touareg tribesmen who are loyal to Gaddafi and Arabs living there (in the south). We are negotiating. The Gaddafi search is taking a different course," Buhagiar said, without elaborating.

Buhagiar (above) a former carpet salesman turned Libya's chief Gaddafi hunter, was interviewed by David Smith almost two weeks ago.

At the time he predicted Gaddafi would be caught within two weeks.

10.28am: Libya's new leaders have issued more bold assertions about the whereabouts of Muammar Gaddafi and his sons.


    FLASH: Ousted Libyan leader Gaddafi believed hiding in Ghadamis area near Algerian border - NTC military official


    #Qaddafi's son Sail al-Islam believed to be in Bani Walid, other son Mutassem in Sirte: NTC official #AlArabiya

    #Qaddafi is being protected by #Touareq tribesmen: #NTC official #AlArabiya

Eight Libyan fighters were killed near Ghadames on Sunday, after raid launched from across the border in Algeria. Officials said the attackers were Tuareg nomads recruited as mercenaries.



CiterLibye: Gaddafi planifie son retour, selon le numéro 2 du CNT
L'ex-dirigeant libyen en fuite Mouammar Kadhafi planifie de reprendre le pouvoir grâce à l'aide des Touareg, a affirmé le chef de l'exécutif provisoire Mahmoud Jibril dans une interview publiée mardi.

"Je crois fermement qu'il (Kadhafi) tente de revenir au pouvoir avec l'aide des tribus Touareg dans le nord du Niger, le sud de la Libye et le sud de l'Algérie et du Mali, a affirmé M. Jibril, qui dirige le bureau exécutif du Conseil national de transition (CNT). Le colonel Kadhafi a deux options, soit "déstabiliser le nouveau régime en Libye, soit proclamer un Etat séparatiste dans le sud qu'il nommera ce qu'il voudra: 'les Touareg', le 'Sud', 'la Grande Afrique", a affirmé le numéro deux du CNT dans un entretien au quotidien à capitaux saoudiens Asharq al Awsat. "Je ne pense pas qu'il puisse se calmer avant de faire quelque chose, car la vengeance l'habite et il n'accepte pas la défaite. Il fera l'impossible pour détruire tout nouveau système en Libye". D'après lui, l'ex-leader se déplace en permanence entre le sud libyen, le nord du Niger et l'Algérie et son entourage a recruté entre 10.000 et 15.000 hommes de la région du Darfour (Soudan) et des Al-Rachayda --une importante tribu du Soudan-- pour combattre auprès de lui. L'ex-leader n'a plus été revu en public depuis la prise par les (ex)rebelles de sa résidence de Bab al-Aziziya à Tripoli le 23 août.

J'ai oublié qui avait fait cette prévision, tragiquement vérifiée : Mouammar Gaddafi s'accrochera à son pouvoir despotique comme un junkie à sa seringue.
Citer• During a visit to Tripoli, Hillary Clinton admitted that the US would like to see Muammar Gaddafi killed. "We hope he can be captured or killed soon so that you don't have to fear him any longer," Clinton told students and others at a town hall-style gathering in the capital city.

• Fierce resistance in Bani Walid and Sirte continue to prevented Libya's new leaders from declaring full victory and setting a timeline for elections. The continuing battle for Sirte is undermining Libya's healing process, the New York Times reports.

    [The battle] has stretched into one of the war's most bitter periods, threatening the prospects for reconciliation as new tales of violence and revenge have drifted through the country. While the long fight is now winding down, it has underscored the problem Libya's weak transitional government faces as it tries to stitch together a country divided by the war into competing regions and factions and racked by the vendettas emerging after Gaddafi's four decades of bizarre and oppressive rule.


La contradiction est importante entre les bruits répandus précédemment par le NTC, et les circonstances de la mort de Mouammar Gaddafi : arrêté jeudi lorsqu'il tentait de fuir Syrte dans un convoi de plusieurs dizaines de 4x4.
Qui a organisé l'intox ? Etait-ce le profileur-traqueur lui-même qui a raconté des craques aux journalistes pour que Gaddafi se croyant trop bien caché devienne imprudent ?
Ou son clan qui a organisé des démonstrations dans le Sud pour faire croire qu'il y était ?
Quel camp était le meilleur élève de Sun Tzu ?[NL_Titresdujour]-20111021-[titres]
