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2007-11-12, 17:03:07
Etre loyal et ne pas mentir


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On trouve de ça, dans nos courriels :

Démarré par JacquesL, 14 Décembre 2006, 09:54:49 AM

« précédent - suivant »


On trouve de ça, dans nos courriels, en plus d'innombrables publicités pour des drogues illégales :

Dear sir,
We are serving military officers with the Nigerian Army,here in Nigeria.
We are contacting you for the purpose of our plans to assist us in the
military actions.

We officers in the Nigerian army have concluded plans to TAKE-OVER the
leadership of the Nigerian government,heading by Chief Olusegun
Obasanjo(Retired general of the Nigerian Army).

If you are very conversant with the Nigeria News,history and politics,you
will understand that the Nigerian masses are not enjoying the so-called
democratic government.
It is very clear and known that Nigeria is one of the richest oil
producing country in the whole world -wide and still,90% of the nigerians
are suffering from abject poverty.
There is no job for the people to do and earn living,no infructructure,no
constant power supply,no good road and tap water just to mention but few.

Nigerian government earned well over $13 billion dollars on daily basis
from our black gold (CRUDE OIL)supply to the world and still,the people
are suffering.

As a matter of fact,people are clamouring for the return of the military
rule to better the life of every common man on the street of Nigeria as it
was during the time of retired General Ibrahim Babangida and Late General
Sanni Abacha.The only people in Nigeria today that is not suffering are
the people in the so called democratic government and their families,
relations whom their daily activities is to siphone billions of dollars to
their numerous bank accounts oversea.None of their children are schooling
in Nigeria,it is either in the United States or United Kingdom since their
is no school in Nigeria Equipped with modern technologies.

There is no need to tell you that the people in the military and their
families are forgotten people,despite the fact that the military are the
back-bone/defendant of the Nigerian Nation.We,the military are only
remembered during crises and war.

We have already made some moves and consultations and as a matter of fact
we have the support of over 90% of the serving military men for this
purpose whom we directly and indirectly approached with these
arrangement,even some top government functioneries are no longer happy
with the present leadership of Nigeria of today,and they are calling for
the return of the military.

Look at what is happening within twelve months,we have witnessed four
plane crash in Nigeria and what is the cause?,political killing.They waste
the soul of the innocent citizens simply because they want to kill one of
their targets whom they assumed is a treat to their political post.

WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT because we do not have enough arms and ammunitions
needed to carry out these operation hence we are contacting you,as it is
not wise making any financial appeal with some of those money bags here in
Nigeria,for security reasons and to avoid leakage.

If there is any way you can assist us either by supplying us with arms and
ammunitions or financially, we would really appreciate it.We can assure
you that what ever assistance,investment or contribution you make towards
seeing the success of these arrangement would be pay back to you a month
after we take over the government.
We are ready to pay you back with what ever interest and conditions you
may suggest and ,even if it is by cash payment,bank wire
transfer,supplying of CRUDE OIL,or by awarding you contracts.

The most important thing is that we are going to retain you as our
international contact/partner during the tenure for other international
business connections and transactions.
We have already acquired some arms and ammunition for this purpose from
Russia which is not enough with the little money we raised and we have
built our arms storage in our neighbouring country.

Very important,we would like to meet with you or your delegate facially
for heart to heart discussion and agreement before commencement of any
kind of assistance you would render to us.Also,our first meeting would be
arranged at any part of the world that is safe,either in Africa, Europe
and if you can come to Nigeria before the take off or even during the
operations that would be wonderful.

For security reasons,We did not mention our names and full identities to
you,its just in case you are not interested with our proposal and
please,even though you are not going to be part of these arrangement
please,kindly keep it to your self and remember,we are fighting for the
betterment of our children and generations to come.

Our full identities would be given to you upon our receipt of your
positive response.
We have no other means of contacting you except through this
medium(email)and we are very sorry if you do not like these means of
communication and advice us on how to contact you on further discussion.

We thank you for your audience,understanding and co-operations,while
looking forward to your urgent response.

Yours Faithfully,

(Military officers)Nigerian Army.
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