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Le bureau de la propagande chinoise ordonne :

Démarré par JacquesL, 28 Février 2007, 11:49:48 AM

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Parmi les nouvelles mesures du Bureau de la Propagande adressées aux médias chinois :

- Interdiction aux médias d'être présent dans 20 établissements publics servant à des conférences du Parti Communiste Chinois
- Ne pas parler de la campagne contre les droitistes
- Parler des erreurs de la Révolution Culturelle, mais pas de façon à nuire au rayonnement des accomplissements historiques du Parti Communiste Chinois et de Mao Zedong
- Ne pas utiliser le massacre de Nanjing pour créer des tensions sino-japonaises
- Interdir tout reportage sur le 90ième anniversaire de la Révolution d'Octobre de la Russie
- Minimiser l'impact de l'effondrement de l'URSS et de ses états satellites
- etc...

Comprends si tu peux : ils disent officiellement quels mensonges ils exigent de la presse.

CHINA: Propaganda officials set out banned subjects for the media

Regulatory administration forbids media from setting foot in 20 areas for party conferences

South China Morning Post
Saturday, February 24, 2007

Mainland media authorities have marked out 20 forbidden areas in an attempt to promote a "harmonious" atmosphere for upcoming national and party conferences. Restrictions have been placed on coverage of historical events including the anti-rightist campaign, the Cultural Revolution and more recent events such as the ongoing anti-corruption campaign, the media freedom debate, and legal and rights protection campaigns.

The curbs were outlined at a meeting of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television's (Sarft) Propaganda Administration Department on January 12.

According to minutes disclosed to Beijing's intellectual community and seen by the South China Morning Post this week, the briefing was held a day after a national briefing by the Central Publicity Department (CPD) and the General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP) in which eight mainland intellectuals' books and their publishers were criticised for "overstepping the line", adding fuel to the recent campaign for freedom of publication and speech. The minutes also showed that in addition to the criticism of the eight books and penalties imposed on their publishers, deputy CPD director Li Dongsheng and GAPP deputy director Wu Shulin also announced a series of propaganda lines for this year.

"Discussion of the anti-rightist campaign should be played down, as a principle the issue should not be mentioned," the Sarft minutes said, adding that if mentioned it should be stressed that the "anti-rightist campaign was necessary but its scale was too wide-ranging". It also cautioned that discussion of the mistakes made during the Cultural Revolution should not be geared towards denying the "historic accomplishment of the party and Mao Zedong ".

"Commemorative reporting on the Nanking Massacre and the July 7 incident should serve the current situation and cannot impact adversely on the Sino-Japanese relationship," it said.

It said media coverage of the 90th anniversary of Russia's October Revolution should be strictly censored and the collapse of the former Soviet Union and its East European satellites should be played down.

Other banned areas include discussions of judicial corruption, activists' campaigns to protect individual rights, sexual crimes, the aristocratic lifestyle of high-income groups and reporting on affairs with mistresses. "The important state-sponsored construction plans cannot be commented on and challenged with a western-oriented stance ... and private ownership cannot be affirmed," Sarft said. It also cautioned that the "pig character in general should not be mentioned" this year, because of the sensibilities of ethnic minorities.

A staff member at Sarft's Publicity Administration Department confirmed the guideline on the use of the word pig, but refused to confirm the other curbs, saying the "officials responsible were on holiday".


Dans une prison de Pékin, un jeune étudiant chinois demande à un autre étudiant qui vient juste d'arriver dans sa cellule:

" Tu en as pris pour combien?

- Dix ans

- Et qu'as-tu fait?

- Ben... Rien.

- Impossible ! Rien, c'est cinq ans