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Démarré par JacquesL, 23 Décembre 2008, 11:16:13 AM

« précédent - suivant »


Ce texte m'est parvenu à travers des indirections, et je voudrais trouver l'original :
Citer Allah de l'Islam ou Jésus? Par Rick Mathes.
À lire, cette note plutôt courte mais très informative!
La religion Musulmane est la religion qui connaît la plus
forte croissance par personne aux États-Unis, particulièrement dans les
Le mois dernier, j'ai suivi une session de formation annuelle qui est
exigée pour le maintien de mon autorisation de sécurité de prison d'état.
Pendant la session de formation, il y avait une présentation par trois
orateurs représentant la foi Catholique , Protestante et Musulmane. Ils
ont tour à tour expliqué leurs croyances. J'étais
particulièrement intéressé par ce que l'Imam Islamique avait à dire.
a donné une grande présentation sur l'essentiel de l'Islam accompagné
d'une vidéo.
Après les présentations, il y avait une période de questions et de

Lorsque ce fut mon tour, j'ai posé ma question suivante à l'Imam :
« Corrigez-moi s'il y a erreur, mais j'ai compris que la majorité des
Imams et des ecclésiastiques Islamistes ont déclaré le jihad « la guerre
Sainte » contre les infidèles du monde. En tuant un infidèle, ce qui est
un ordre à tous les Musulmans, ils sont assurés d'une place au ciel. Si
c'est le cas, pouvez-vous me donner la définition d'un
Il n'y avait aucun désaccord avec mes déclarations et, sans hésitation,
il a répondu :
« Les non-partisans! »
J'ai donc répliqué :
«Alors, si j'ai bien compris, on a ordonné à tous les disciples d'Allah
de tuer ceux qui ne sont pas de votre foi, ainsi ils iront au Ciel.
Est-ce ainsi ou corrigez-moi ? »
L'expression autoritaire sur son visage a changé comme celui d'un petit
qi venait de se faire prendre la main dans le sac. Il a timidement
répondu :

« Oui ».

J'ai donc continué:

« Eh bien monsieur! Je peux à peine imaginer le pape Jean Paul II
demandé à
tous les Catholiques de tuer tous ceux de votre foi ou le docteur Stanley
aux Protestants de faire la même chose pour aller au Ciel! »
L'Imam était muet.
J'ai continué: « J'ai donc cette difficulté à être votre ami quand vous
et vos frères ecclésiastiques dites à vos disciples de ne croient ni en
Allah ni au Jour dernier,
qui n'interdisent pas ce qu'Allah et Son messager ont interdit et qui ne
pas la religion de lavérité, parmi ceux qui ont reçu le Livre, jusqu'à ce
qu'ils versent
la capitation par leurs propres mains, après s'être humiliés.»
Laissez-moi vous poser une autre question : « Aimeriez-vous mieux votre
Allah qui vous demande de me tuer pour aller au Ciel ou mon Jésus qui me
dit de vous aimer parce que je vais au Ciel et qui veut aussi que vous
soyez avec moi! ».
Vous auriez pu entendre une épingle tomber pendant que l'Imam penchait sa
tête dans la honte.
Inutile de vous le dire que les organisateurs et promoteurs « de la
Diversification » qui ont organisé le séminaire n'étaient pas heureux
envers Rick Mathes d'avoir exposé la vérité sur les croyances
Je pense que l'on devrait exiger à tous les Canadiens et tous les
Américains de lire ceci, mais avec le système de justice libéral, les
médias libéraux et l'ACLU, il n'y a aucune chance que ça parvienne au
grand public.
S'il vous plaît, diffusez ce texte sur tous vos contacts de courrier
C'est une histoire vraie et l'auteur, Rick Mathes, est un chef bien
connu dans les ministères des prisons.

Voici mieux, par des musulmans militants :

CiterDefending Your Faith

Date Added: Jan. 14, 2004
Last Updated: Mar. 24, 2004

Since the horrible events of September 11, 2001, the Islamic faith, and those who follow it, have been the subjects of intense scrutiny and distrust. Desperate to know why so many innocent people had to die, many have tried to "prove" that the Muslim faith is intrinsically violent. Given this social tone, it is not surprising that this chain letter, supposedly putting one of Islam's own on the spot, has become so popular. At the very least, we can say this is a one-sided account of real events.

By Rick Mathes

Last month I attended my annual training session that's required for maintaining my state prison security clearance. During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths who explained their belief systems. I was particularly interested in what the Islamic Imam had to say.

The Imam gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam, complete with a video. After the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers. When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Imam and sked, "Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel, which is a command to all Muslims, they are assured of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?"

There was no disagreement with my statements and without hesitation he replied, "Non-believers!"

I responded, "So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can go to Heaven. Is that correct?"

The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of a little boy who had just gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He sheepishly replied, "Yes."

I then stated, "Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine Pope John Paul commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Pat Robertson or Dr. Stanley ordering Protestants to do the same in order to go to Heaven!"

The Imam was speechless.

I continued, "I also have problem with being your friend when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me. Let me ask you a question! ...would you rather have your Allah who tells you to kill me in order to go to Heaven or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to Heaven and wants you to be with me?"

You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam hung his head in shame.

Chuck Colson once told me something that has sustained me these 20 years of prison ministry. He said to me, "Rick, remember that the truth will prevail."

And it will!

Rick Mathes and his wife, Trish, are the founders of Mission Gate Prison Ministries, an outreach to those who are incarcerated and their families. The essay above was offered in the ministry's subscription newsletter and appears in the version above unchanged from its original. Some versions, however, have changed. Most notably, some have added preface or postscript notes that lack the validity of Mathes original, but have become seamlessly integrated with it. Also, some versions have fallen victim to e-mail spell-checkers and incorrectly list the author's name as "Rick Mattes" or "Rich Mattes."

The veracity of the claims made in it, however, is the author's to prove. Unfortunately, Rick Mathes told that he will not provide further details because, in his words, "I fear retribution - I have a 20 year prison ministry to protect."

Third-party accounts of the events in question paint a significantly different picture than the one offered by Mathes. Tim Kniest, spokesman for the Missouri Department of Corrections, told the Lee news service that the training session in question was for prison volunteers and took place in a corrections facility in Fulton, MO. However, according to Kniest, prison officials' recollection of events that day differ from Mathes' in several aspects:

    * Religious leaders representing faiths followed by current inmates were invited to present.
    * The presenter on Islam was not an Imam, but rather a Muslim inmate who was pressed into presenting after no Imam could be arranged.
    * Prison officials confirm that the Muslim inmate was asked a few questions that he was unable to answer, but none along the lines of those suggested by Mr. Mathes.

Mathes, however, maintains that his is an accurate account, using the facts he knew at the time, and did go into some more detail making the encounter seem less antagonistic than his original account:

"...the inmate was introduced as an 'Imam'. Mr. Kneist was not there to know what was said or not and cannot disprove that what I wrote wasn't said. In fact when I said, 'I have a hard time being your friend when your faith says to kill me to go to heaven.' everyone burst out laughing. When his presentation was over and it was time for a break, we all felt sorry for the inmate including my self. In fact I gave him a sign and said 'Salaam' and he responded with a knowing smile. Knowing that there wasn't any animosity between us.

"I really asked the questions I needed to know the answers to and he did not respond as I thought he would have. I expected him to defend this "jihad" thing as rebel Muslims using religion to cloak their evil deed in.

"His silence leads me to conclude that either he was ignorant of his faith, was caught off guard and speechless, or agreed with my premise and conclusion (which I think he was).

"I am getting 24 emails in favor of the article to 1 against. We all agree that there is a "simmering volcano" in the Muslim community. Give me an Imam that will sing "God Bless America" or will say the "Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag" and I will listen to them discredit the fears we have about the Muslim community and all that we see and hear in the media. Until the American Muslim community speaks up, I have my doubts about those who join them."

Nonetheless, this essay falls short of being the proof that Islam's leaders cannot deny the violent nature of their own religion that many would have it be. Since both sides of the argument have recognized that the person Mathes was questioning was not an Islamic official nor a recognized expert in the religion, his actions should not be considered indicative of all Muslims. Break this chain.

Voir aussi :
CiterOrigins: The piece quoted above ("Allah or Jesus?") is an editorial penned by Rick Mathes, Executive Director of the Mission Gate Prison Ministry. We asked Mr. Mathes if he could provide some information about the origins of the piece, and he responded:

This article is an exact recording of a real event that I participated in. My only commentary was, "the truth will prevail." I think this meeting was in May 2003 and I will not give out more details for fear of retribution. The purpose of the class was to increase "religious sensitivity", that is, tolerance for each others beliefs and I really blew that. The director was purple with rage however the Imam and I exchanged signs and said "Salaam" which means "peace" in Arabic (I hope). I questioned him (Imam) really to get a clear refutation of what is commonly thought of this Jihad nonsense. But apparently he wasn't educated enough to rebut my remarks or by his silence on this matter (I think) concurred with my implied conclusions. In either case I was surprised. And when I said I found it hard to be his friend, everyone laughed out loud. So the mood was an amazing mix of those who were interested like me and others that were just amused by the whole thing. I left the matter open on purpose (the truth will prevail) so that either side could speak up and claim the truth as their own.

Reporter Greg Kearney, writing for the Lee News Service, traced the story to a correctional facility in Fulton, Missouri, and came away with a decidedly different version of events from Missouri state officials.

According to Tim Kniest, Public Information Officer for the Missouri Department of Corrections, the event described was a training program for prison volunteers, for which ministers from several faiths were invited to give presentations in order to acquaint prison volunteers with the varied religious beliefs of the inmate population.

The man who gave the presentation about Islam was not a Muslim minister; he was an inmate pressed into service to present a short film on Islam and answer some questions when the prison's Volunteer Coordinator was "unable to find an Imam to speak." Moreover, reported Mr. Kniest, the prison's Volunteer Coordinator said that "The inmate did a good job," adding, "He was asked a few questions that were beyond his ability to answer. But he was not asked anything like that question [in the editorial]":
. . . the Volunteer Coordinator at the prison said that no such exchange as the editorial reported ever took place. "He certainly did not 'Hang his head in shame'," according to Kniest. In fact, the inmate was thanked by the assembly before being escorted back to his quarters. Furthermore, the coordinator does not recall any questions dealing with jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world as reported in the editorial. In the editorial the inmate is presented as an Imam, or Islamic minister, which he clearly was not.

Regardless of whatever may have transpired at the prison training session referred to above, the larger point the writer is attempting to make in this piece is a grossly inaccurate one. Islam is not a monolithic religion in which unanimity of belief and action is coordinated from a central authority; it has well over a billion adherents in countries all over the world who belong to any one of a number of different sects with varying beliefs, traditions, and interpretations of scripture. (As well, some religious groups identify themselves as Islamic but are not recognized as such by the vast majority of Muslims.)

No one Muslim (especially one who wasn't even a cleric) could speak to what all of Islam believes, any more than a single member of a Methodist congregation could speak for every denomination and follower of Christianity.

As National Geographic reporter Frank Viviano found during extensive travels through the region, even in Saudi Arabia, the heart of Islam, Muslims were far from holding the idea that "All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not" Muslim — even the notion that other religions should be barred from the home of Islam was disputed:

At one majlis, I asked a noted Muslim scholar, an imam, how Islam's venerable assertion of religious tolerance could be reconciled with Saudi Arabia's ban on Christian churches in the kingdom. "It was the command of God, conveyed to us through the Prophet Muhammad, that no other religion be permitted in the land where Islam was born," the imam replied. To my surprise, another guest picked a point-for-point argument with him. "I've heard that allusion a hundred times, and nobody has ever convinced me that this is what the Prophet's words really meant," he said. If one is willing to ignore history, context, and actual practice when quoting scripture and other religious texts, followers of just about any religion can be painted as uniformly fanatic and intolerant.


Ces quelques articles ne bouleversent certes pas l'état de nos connaissances : Dans son ambition politique, Muhammad a optimisé SON islam pour la guerre de conquête.
Ils savent faire la guerre, et c'est de très loin ce qu'ils font le mieux. Ils ne savent pas faire la paix.

Feu Jules César vous le confirmera : rien n'est plus chouette à conquérir qu'un pays divisé, paralysé par ses querelles internes.

C'est pourquoi les islamistes ont intérêt à ce que les féministes disposent d'un maximum de pouvoirs dans les pays occidentaux : le féminisme tel qu'il a évolué après épuisement de tous ses objectifs avouables, est optimisé pour la guerre civile.

Les publicitaires aussi, sont du même avis que les islamistes, du reste.
Pis l'industrie des psychotoxiques illégaux, aussi.
